Quick and Dirty Central Syslog

very first Alpha release is here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=129695&package_id=142140&release_id=300150


Currently, we are designed for the following setup:

  1. Windows servers in need of syslog display real-time.

  2. A *nix machine with a web server

Implementation is simply a matter of installing Ntsyslog on all of the windows servers and pointing them at the central syslog machine.

Go here: http://ntsyslog.sourceforge.net/ for Ntsyslog

see this page for installation documentation: http://sourceforge.net/docman/?group_id=129695

At present we are grassroots with a capitol G, no error checking, no advanced features, etc. but the plan is the make this an “all-inclusive” solution you can drop on your machine with packaging software like rpm, yum, etc.

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